Over 15K Sign Democrat Petition Against Chuck Schumer: 'Enough Is Enough' – Newsweek


The article discusses a petition against Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, organized by RootsAction and Demand Progress, two progressive groups. The petition, signed by over 15,000 people, criticizes Schumer’s perceived inaction on significant policy areas including voting rights, climate change, and wealth inequality. The petition demands Schumer either end or modify the Senate filibuster rule to push through legislation like the For the People Act and the John Lewis Voting Rights Act. Schumer is also being urged to pass the Build Back Better Act, a $3.5 trillion social policy bill.

Discover more about the petition against Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer and why thousands of people are signing it. Learn about the policy areas being considered, including voting rights, climate change, and wealth inequality, and the specific legislation at issue. Understand this political dynamics by clicking the link below.

"Sen. Schumer has managed to unite us far more than Trump has in recent months." Chuck Schumer. Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, a New York …

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